Goals completed --> 38/101

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

#72 Make list of 25 books I should read- COMPLETE!

1. Twilight - COMPLETED 08/02/08
2. Smart Couples Finish Rich
3. Life of Pi
4. A New Earth - COMPLETED 10/23/08
5. The Power of Now
6. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
7. The Screwtape Letters
8. Breaking Dawn - COMPLETED 08/14/08
9. The Audacity of Hope
10. The Secret Life of Bees - COMPLETED 10/30/08
11. New Moon - COMPLETED 08/03/08
12. Lamb - COMPLETED 5/12/10
13. A Nation of Wimps
14. Boys Should be Boys
15. Good Omens
16. Three Cups of Tea
17. Kite Runner
18. The Little Prince
19. The Handmaid's Tale
20. Pride and Prejudice
21. Parenting with Love & Logic - COMPLETED Summer/2009
22. The Time Traveler's Wife - COMPLETED 5/18/10
23. The Alchemist
24. Eclipse - COMPLETED 08/07/08
25. Spiritual Economics

... now I just have to get on top of reading them. I figure I have to average one a month! Yikes.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

The Creative Family... that's also on my list... but my favorite from your list: Pride and Prejudice. I've read it five times! :)